Archive for June, 2011

Rethinking Your Immune System

June 12, 2011

By Dr. David Jernigan of Hansa Center for Optimum Health

Science has revealed that there are over 1.5 quadrillion bacteria living harmoniously in the healthy human body Science Daily (June 5, 2008). Due to this new discovery, it has become apparent to scientists that the immune system is not the primary way in which the healthy body keeps the thousand-plus different types of bacteria in your body from causing disease.

Martin Blaser of New York University has been studying the number of types of bacteria in skin. Blaser estimates that there are over 500 different types of living in healthy human skin.

Researchers reporting on the human micro biome (a fancy term for the bacteria and microbes that virtually are the human body) estimate that healthy people who have generationally never received antibiotics may have over 1000 different types of bacteria in their intestines. Preliminary research has resulted in staggering cures of degenerative illnesses when these thousand strains were introduced into sick individuals.

With only an estimated 150 trillion cells in the human body, bacteria outnumber cells over 10 to 1.

So does your immune system really work like the simplistic Pac-man game, with your macrophages and phagocytes (Specialized White Blood Cells) going around gobbling up all the “bad bacteria”?

When we take “immune system boosters” what are we really boosting?

How can many people be highly positive for infectious bacte

ria, like Borrelia burgdorferia, the primary bacteria thought to cause Lyme disease, and also test very highly positive for the presence of several of the confections often seen in this same illness, yet never have any symptoms, year after year?

In order to answer these questions we must first answer what exactly regulates and controls what we call optimum health.

Many people think that if they are symptom-free most of their life, that they are healthy. This thought process is obviously erroneous, because of the pandemic of cancer arising in the world population, often in people who

report virtually never having symptoms of any kind, never having abnormal blood tests on physical exams, and rarely missing a day of work.

Being symptom-free is not the same as having optimum health.

It must be understood that optimum health is a very rare condition in the world population. Optimum health is that point where the body, mind, and spirit can adapt instantly and correctly at all times to any change in the organism’s internal and external environment.

Optimum health by this definition describes the ideal condition of what is called bio-coherence.

It is the unifying force of coherence, within the incredible complexity of bio-communication and bio-regulation, which enables the body to adapt to every challenge to optimum health.

The immune system plays a small role, comparatively speaking, to the forces of bio-coherence regulating the vast populations of microbes.

One might say, “But the bacteria responsible for serious illnesses such as Lyme Disease, Diphtheria, and Strep, just to name a few, are not part of the healthy human micro biome.” While this statement is true the reality is that even these “infections” seem to merge into the total micro biome of the healthy body, once bio-coherence is re-established.

Laboratory studies reveal that many people may test highly positive for infectious bacteria, like Borrelia burgdorferia, the primary bacteria in Lyme disease, and also positive for the coinfections often seen in LD, yet year after year this group of people never has any symptoms. These people appear to have greater levels of bio-coherence preventing the microbes from ever causing disease.

It could be accurately stated that every illness is the result of the breakdown of bio-coherence.

The restoration of optimum health is not the result of killing all the “bad” bacteria and microbes, but is at

best in the conventional medical model of antibiotics, the result of the suppression of bacterial populations and the resultant polymorphism of the bacteria to less pathological microbial shapes as the bacteria morph to escape the treatments.

As the bacteria shape-shift to less virulent forms under the pressure of antibiotics, bio-coherence can often keep them from re-emerging in their more virulent form.

It is this author’s opinion, that the use of antibiotics does more harm than good in the short run and in the long run. Anti=life biotic=life is pretty clearly stating antibiotics effects on the 1.5 quadrillion bacteria that make up the healthy human body.

With antibiotics one may win the battle, but lose the war, as the bacterial infection is defeated, yet at the cost of over 400 different strains of friendly bacteria being also destroyed, or also forced to morph out of their useful state, leading to profound disturbances of the micro biome and ultimately leading to the loss of bio-coherence resulting in degenerative diseases, and premature death.

Armed with the knowledge of the micro biome it is now thought that the ultimate and far superior aspect of immune regulation is the microbe regulating aspects of the bio-coherent energetic fields that naturally regulate all microbes and all the systems of the body.

In an essentially whole person, who has not been damaged beyond repair through medical interventions and injury, modalities that strive to restore bio-coherence on all levels of the body, mind, and spirit is the medicine of the future.

It is suggested that bio-coherence even plays a large role in epigenetics, the expression of our genetic blueprint.

Clinical studies reveal promising results using BioCoherence Therapy (BCT) a newly discovered health care technology developed by the author and Dr. David J. Jowdy at the Hansa Center for Optimum Health in Wichita, Kansas.

It appears through the use BCT techniques that true bio-coherence can be largely achieved resulting in often-dramatic improvements in conditions affecting every system of the body.

The author theorizes that these improvements are the result of the gradual and possibly rapid restoration of optimum function and integrity of every regulatory system.

BCT seems to provide for the sick individual; the stimulus for the optimum bio-coherence that is found in the healthy individual who tests positive for potentially harmful microbial infectious disease.

After BCT treatments many patients report almost instantaneous improvements in pain, cognition, flexibility, strength, tremors, musculoskeletal alignment, emotional stability, and environmental sensitivities have often been observed. Patients often report sensations of increased sense of well-being.

To help your immune system be at the peak and to keep a healthy balance of bacteria perhaps you need some Whole FoodSupplements

5 Billion Good Bacteria

A Good Gut Feeling

Carotenoid Complex

Carotenoid Complex

Sustained Release Vitamin C

From Natural Sources